Tuesday, March 1, 2011

เด็กขำฉีกกระดาษ Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper

Baby Laughing Hysterically At Ripping Paper | I Am Bored
Baby Laughing Hysterically At Ripping Paper. 8-month-old boy laughing hysterically while at-home daddy rips up a job rejection letter.
www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm? link_id=57150

Baby Laughing Hysterically At Ripping Paper [VIDEO]
Baby Laughing Hysterically At Ripping Paper: He's not laughing at the paper; he's probably laughing at how much the cell phone bill is on the paper...
www.buzzfeed.com/... /baby-laughing-hysterically-at-ripping-paper-2kde
